
Price Revisions for Plastic Conveyor Belt

2021.10.28 Other

(Headquarters: Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture) announces that it will be revising the prices of its plastic conveyor belts as follows.

1. Background of Price Revision
 In recent years, prices of raw materials such as polyurethane rubber used in plastic conveyor belts have continued to rise. Under these circumstances, we have made efforts to procure raw materials and maintain product prices by improving productivity and reducing costs to compensate for the price hikes, but the situation has become more difficult than can be absorbed by corporate efforts alone.
In order to maintain and improve the quality of our products and ensure a stable supply of products that satisfy our customers, we have decided to revise our product prices.

2. Applicable Products and Price Revision Rates
 (1)Sunline belt, Super Sunline belt: 5% increase
 (2)Volta belt : 5% increase
 (3)Bankolan sheet : 5% increase
 (4)Bankolan long synchronized belt : 5% increase

3. Implementation period
 Effective for orders received on January 1, 2022

We look forward to your continued patronage of our products.

                                             ... and upwards

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