Produkte Synchron-Antriebsriemen


Top grade STS Belts with carbon fiber cords for heavy-duty use

Higher transmission capacity than Ceptor™-Ⅵ which enables reduction of belt widths, thus resulting in total weight reduction, space saving and lesser noise.
High modulus materials are used as belt components to improve the positioning accuracy.
Ceptor™-X is suitable for various applications such as industrial robots, medical and pharmaceutical equipment, semiconductor manufacturing equipment, and injection molding machines.



1. Applicable in higher torque transmission.
Ceptor™-X has 20% higher transmission capacity than Ceptor™-Ⅵ.

2. Produce lesser noise
Ceptor™-X has higher transmission capacity which reduce belt width, thus lesser noise.

3.Fit to use in compact design
With higher transmission capacity, belt width and size of pulley can be reduced.

4.Provide high positioning accuracy and good responsivity
High modulus carbon fiber cords enable higher positioning accuracy and responsivity.

5.Higher durability against tooth chipping
High modulus synthetic rubber to provide better durability against teeth chipping.

6.Usable with standard STS pulleys



1. Gummi: Hochmoduliger synthetischer Gummi zur Minimierung der Zahnverformung.
2. Canvas: Strapazierfähiges Canvas mit hervorragender Abriebfestigkeit.
3. Kabel: Kohlefaserkabel für höhere Übertragungskapazität, Positionierungsgenauigkeit und Reaktionsfähigkeit

** Ceptor™-X S3M ist für den Einsatz in sauberen Umgebungen spezifiziert.

Enhanced transmission capacity

Compared with Ceptor™-Ⅵ, transmission capacity is increased by 20%

*As for S14M, comparison is made to HP-STS.


Belt width: 6 mm, pulley: 26 tooth

Belt width: 10 mm, pulley: 26 tooth

S8M S14M

Belt width: 60 mm, pulley: 26 tooth

Belt width: 120 mm, pulley: 28 tooth

Vertical axis: Basic transmission capacity (kW)
Horizontal axis: Small pulley rotation speed (rpm)

Design Compactification

With the same transmission condition, Ceptor™-X is usable with smaller belt width compared to conventional belts.

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