Productos Movilidad en motocicletas automotrices

Tensor automático

Torsion spring maintained Dry-Type Auto-Tensioner for serpentine drive of automotive engines.

El tensor automático permite mantener de forma automática la tensión adecuada en las correas Acanalado en V de transmisión serpentina.
Hay varios tipos de tensores disponibles para adaptarse a los requisitos del diseño del motor.

Tensor automático


1.Improving fuel efficiency and service life of bearings and belts due to constant optimization of belt tension.
2.Eliminating re-tensioning process, thus maintenance free.
3.Improving reliability.
4.Providing design services for the whole serpentine belt drive system.
5.Proposing the best specification among several types of Auto-Tensioner suits to the design requirements.


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