1. Applicable in higher torque transmission.
Ceptor™-X has 20% higher transmission capacity than Ceptor™-Ⅵ.
2. Produce lesser noise
Ceptor™-X has higher transmission capacity which reduce belt width, thus lesser noise.
3.Fit to use in compact design
With higher transmission capacity, belt width and size of pulley can be reduced.
4.Provide high positioning accuracy and good responsivity
High modulus carbon fiber cords enable higher positioning accuracy and responsivity.
5.Higher durability against tooth chipping
High modulus synthetic rubber to provide better durability against teeth chipping.
6.Usable with standard STS pulleys
1. Caucho: Caucho sintético de alto módulo para minimizar la deformación de los dientes.
2. Lona: Lona duradera con excelente resistencia a la abrasión.
3. Cables: Cables de fibra de carbono para una mayor capacidad de transmisión, precisión de posicionamiento y capacidad de respuesta.
** Ceptor™-X S3M tiene especificación para uso en ambientes limpios.
Enhanced transmission capacity
Compared with Ceptor™-Ⅵ, transmission capacity is increased by 20%
Design Compactification
With the same transmission condition, Ceptor™-X is usable with smaller belt width compared to conventional belts.
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