Productos Productos relacionados con cintas transportadoras

Super non-adhesive conveyor belts "Easy Release™ Neo"

Conveyor belts which conveyed items are less likely to stick to the belt surface and can be easily released with a cleaner

Easy Release Neo is a conveyor belt that prevents conveyed materials from sticking to the belt surface and allows easy release of conveyed materials with a cleaner. It contributes in reducing maintenance and increasing productivity.

Super non-adhesive conveyor belts "Easy Release™ Neo"


(1) Improvement of non-adhesion performance
 Easy Release Neo uses a special compounded cover rubber developed by our company, and its non-adhesion performance has been greatly improved.
 In the conveyance of coal and iron ore, the amount of adhesion can be reduced by approximately 80-90% compared to our conventional products.
  (Results verified by internal and actual equipment evaluations)
(2) Sustained non-adhesion effect
 The non-adhesive performance of belts usually diminishes as they are used longer, but Easy ReleaseⓇ NEO is a new type of belt that is designed to be used for a longer period of time,
  Superior non-adhesive performance is maintained due to the action of a special formula.
(3) Excellent durability
 Compared with our conventional products, the abrasion resistance has been improved by approximately 30%. Abrasion resistance is equivalent to super abrasion-resistant belts (JIS-A) that has been improved by approximately 30% compared with our conventional products. Therefore the product could last longer.

Adhesion of conveyed materials mechanism

The mechanism of conveyed materials adhesion to the belt surface is said to be caused by a combination of various factors, such as the characteristics of the conveyed materials (shape, particle size, distribution, cohesive strength), moisture content, and the microscopic smoothness (unevenness) of the belt surface. Among these factors, we have focused on the theory that moisture contained in the material to be conveyed has a significant effect on adhesion, and we have been developing belts with improved non-adhesion performance.

Mecanismo de Adhesión Easy Release Neo

1. Particle shape, particle size, and cohesion between particles
2. Absorbed water
3. Unevenness of belt surface

Presentación de la serie Easy Release™

Nuestra serie Easy Release™ son cintas transportadoras no adhesivas en las que es difícil que los materiales se adhieran a la superficie de la cinta y se pueden raspar (desprender) fácilmente con un limpiador o similar. La serie Easy Release™ se fabrica y vende actualmente en siete variedades y se puede utilizar para diversas aplicaciones, como resistente al calor, resistente al aceite y de color blanco, además de aplicaciones de transporte a temperatura ambiente.

Nombre del producto variedad usar Ejemplos de artículos a transportar
Liberación fácil ™ negro Para transporte general de material a granel
Material transportado a temperatura normal (máx.) (60 °C)
Tierra, arena, piedra triturada, etc.
Resistente a la abrasión Easy Release™ negro
Liberación fácil™ Neo negro Mineral de hierro, carbón, piedra caliza.
Resistente al calor Easy Release ™ negro Transporte a temperatura media (máx. 100 °C) Coca-cola, caliza, etc.
HC710 de fácil liberación™ negro Transporte a alta temperatura (máx. (180 °C) Mineral sinterizado, clínker, etc.
Easy Release™ resistente al aceite negro Carga que contiene petróleo Sedimentación, etc. en plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales
Easy-Release™ blanco (blanco) blanco blanco Productos químicos, etc.

Comienza la venta de la banda transportadora súper antiadherente "EASY RELEASE® Neo"

27 de marzo de 2020
Cinta transportadora súper antiadherente "Easy Release® Neo"
Inicio de las ventas

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