Productos Correas de transmisión de potencia síncrona

Correas Síncronas

Standard trapezoidal toothed synchronous belt.

Synchronous Belts are synchronous transmission belts that combine the transmission features of gears, chains, and flat belts.
Various types and sizes are available, thus these belts can be designed for a wide range of applications, from light to heavy load transmission.

Correas Síncronas


1. Synchronous belt and pulley engagement for precise transmission
2. No metal-to-metal contact, hence runs quietly and requires no lubrication
3. Enable compactification of bearings and motors as no need for high initial tension


Estructura Synchronous Belts

1.Tooth Canvas (Nylon)
2.Tooth Rubber (Chloroprene)
3.Top Rubber (Chloroprene)
4.Cords (Standard : Glass Fiber)

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