Sản phẩm Dây đai truyền động đồng bộ

BANCOLLAN™ Dây đai răng đồng bộ dài, bằng PU  (LSB-U) / Dây đai phẳng dài BANCOLLAN™ (LFB-U)

Open-ended polyurethane toothed belts for synchronous back-and-forth reciprocal motion and conveyance.

BANCOLLAN™ Long Synchronous Belts (LSB-U) are designed for applications of long span synchronous transmission and conveyance, especially for food processing machinery and transmission or conveyance in clean environment.

BANCOLLAN™ Dây đai răng đồng bộ dài, bằng PU  (LSB-U) / Dây đai phẳng dài BANCOLLAN™ (LFB-U)

Các ưu điểm

1.Metal wire as cords to minimize belt elongation.
2.Various back-profiles are available as add-ons.
3.Lesser dust produced from the belt, thus suitable for transmission and conveyance in clean environment.
4.Thermoplastic polyurethane allows jointing of belts, hence available in any length



BANCOLLAN™ Long Flat Belts (LFB-U) are frequently used in devices with lifting mechanism. With high precision in its thickness, LFB-U does not cause misalignment during hoisting even when multiple belts are used.

Các ứng dụng

Industrial equipment long-span synchronous transmission and conveyance

Examples of back-profiles

Various profiles can be added to the back of the belt to enhance the conveying function.

Example of back profile processing

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