Đặc trưng
1. Various specifications of insulation.
2. High thermal conductivity, one of the highest on the market.
3. A rubber type soft sheet TIM without being over adhesive.*
(*) TIM : Thermal Interface Material
Kiểm soát hướng dọc của chất đệm dẫn nhiệt

Electron micrograph of the cross-sectional structure of HEATEX™ with vertically oriented boron nitride
Gia công

Silicone rubber as the material, it is hard to break even when bent, has a silky feel to it, and has excellent workability.
Rework is also possible.
Adhesive treatment of the sheet surface is available as an option.
Thermal Stability
Maintains low thermal resistance in pressurized environments.
Even if it is used for a long time in an environment of 200°C, there is almost no change in physical properties.
In addition, the pump-out phenomenon caused by thermal paste is less likely to occur.
*Pump-out phenomenon
As materials expand and contract repeatedly due to the rise and fall of the temperature, the grease which was in contact with the materials will be pushed out, thus creating the pump-out phenomenon.
When the pump-out phenomenon occurs, the contact thermal resistance increases due to the formation of gaps, hence the initial efficiency cannot be attained.

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Image of HEATEX™ in use
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