產品中心 同步傳動皮帶

帶有 Ban-Lock 的STS Pulleys

STS pulley without shaft hole process or key mechanism

Ban-Lock is a type of frictional fastening device with wedge effect. By tightening the screws, surface pressure is applied due to wedge effect by the inner ring to fix the pulley in place.
Higher responsivity and transmission capability can be achieved due to zero backlash between pulley and shaft.

帶有 Ban-Lock 的STS Pulleys


1. No need for shaft hole process or keyway mechanism. Strong fastening force due to wedge effect.
2. The frictional fastening structure has no backlash, hence no shaft damage or seizure due to vibration or shock.
3. The keyless design allows installation at any position of axis, and adjustment of positioning phase can easily be done.
4. Excellent axis centering effect.
5. Easy installation and removal, only by tighten or loosen the screws.


帶有Ban-Lock的STS Pulleys的結構和原理

The moment the clamp screws are tighten, the wedge effect produced generates a pushing force through the tapered surface and the inner ring towards the direction of the shaft and the inside of pulley, thus fastening the both together.

卡德納斯 web2cad


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