Productos Productos relacionados con cintas transportadoras

Banda transportadoras resistentes a impactos "Rock Belt™" y "Monoply Belt™"

Banda transportadora para el transporte de cargas pesadas con excelente resistencia al impacto.

Rock Belt™ and Monoply Belt™ were developed for conveyor lines with high impact resistance. The core canvas has a special woven structure with both the cover rubber and the core are designed with impact resistance. This belt is ideal for high-impact lines which cause short life in conventional products.

"Rock Belt™" and "Monoply Belt™" Impact-resistant conveyor belts


Excellent in cut resistance, abrasion resistance, impact resistance, bite resistance, make it long lasting due to less core damage.
The belt is ideal for replacement of lines with high impact and short lifespan on conveyor belts.
Monoply belts are 1-ply (for small to medium impact usages), large block belts are 2-ply (for large block impact usages)


[Features of interlining canvas]
This special canvas has a structure in which the warp and weft yarns are combined above and below the warp, and the warp and weft yarns are woven together with a knotted thread. It is highly flexible, and the warp and weft yarns individually receive and absorb stresses that applied to the belt.
Therefore, it has excellent impact and bite resistance.

<Para productos de 2 capas> <Características de la entretela de lona/estructura de tejido especial>
Estructura de la sección transversal de la correa

1. Top cover rubber (Impact resistance, abrasion resistance)
2. Core canvas (Nylon special woven canvas)
3. Bottom cover rubber (Impact resistance, abrasion resistance)


adopción forma (taxonómica) tipo
Dimensiones del cinturón Ancho de la correa (mm)
Número de capas especie principal Espesor de la cubierta de goma (mm) Espesor de la correa
Peso de referencia
500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1050 1200
superficie envés
Resistente a cortes
Para transporte de grandes volúmenes
Cinturón Monoply™ (250) 1 NS: Lona tejida especial de nailon 4.0 3.0 8.6 10.1

SL(315) 4.0 3.0 9.1 10.9        
M(400) 4.0 3.0 9.6 11.4        
6.0 3.0 11.6 13.8              
Alto(500) 4.0 3.0 9.9 11.6            
6.0 3.0 11.9 13.6            
Cinturón de roca™ N°0 2 NS: Lona tejida especial de nailon 6.0 3.0 11.9 13.7        
N°1 6.0 3.0 11.9 13.7          
N°2 6.0 3.0 12.8 13.7            

"✓" es un producto estándar. Se pueden fabricar otros trozos grandes del n.º 3 al n.º 8 (resistencia de la correa 1500 N/mm) bajo pedido.


Cantera, mineral, ingeniería civil, etc.
(Especialmente indicado para líneas de piedra bruta, bajo trituradora primaria, troncos, etc.)

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