Prodotti Prodotti correlati ai nastri trasportatori

Nastro trasportatore in vinile 300

Light conveyance type conveyor belt in white and green colours

White and green light conveyance type conveyor belt with oil resistance.
It is used in the process of conveying materials that contain oil.
*Direct conveyance of food products are not allowed.

Nastro trasportatore in vinile 300


Oil resistant
Green on one side and white on the other side with non-staining properties and odorless.
Great in hygiene due to less sticking to conveyor belts.
Has better abrasion resistance compared to general colored conveyors. 
*Direct conveyance of food products are not allowed.


adozione forma (tassonomica) tipo
Dimensioni della cinghia

Larghezza standard della cinghia (mm)

numero di strati specie di base Spessore della gomma di copertura (mm) Spessore della cinghia
Peso di riferimento
superficie parte inferiore
Per il trasporto leggero Cintura in vinile 300 100 2 E: Poliestere 1.0 1.0 3.7 5.8 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 600, 700, 750, 800, 900, 1000, 1050, 1200


Conveyors for conveying oily materials or materials treated with oil, manufacture processes, etc.
*Not suitable for direct conveyance of food products.

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