Excellent sound absorption, vibration absorption, and impact resistance
BANCOLLAN™ has higher strength, abrasion resistance, and shock absorption than conventional rubber and plastics, making it ideal for cushioning and shock-absorbing materials.
Excellent oil resistance
Has better oil resistance than high nitrile rubbers, so it can be used with gasoline and other fuel oils, alcohol, cooking oil, etc.
Adaptable to a wide range of temperatures
BANCOLLAN™ Sheet #595 can be applied in the temperature range of -10°C to +80°C
BANCOLLAN™ Sheet #395 and CS395 can be applied in the temperature range of -40°C to +80°C
Note: Physical properties such as hardness change depending on temperature.
Conforms to Notification No. 370 of the Ministry of Health and Welfare regarding the Food Sanitation Law
BANCOLLAN™ Sheet CS395 is Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011=Compatible with PIM
Fabric feed (conveyance) covers, feed rotary blades, feed (conveyance) spill prevention side plates, gaskets, back-up rings, gaskets
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