1. Enables control on self-induced action of abrasive grains by the design of abrasive island compounds.
2. Provides stable polishing.
3. Allows for proposal of size and pattern of polishing island suit to the processing object and required specifications.
4. Reduces the impact on environment.
5. Simplifies the management of processes.
Installation of the Pad
The back of the pad is double-sided taped, so it can be easily peeled off and attached to the surface of polishing machine plate.
Design of Abrasive Island Compounds

The ideal abrasive island size and pattern are designed according to the processing target and required specifications. Hence, stable polishing is achieved.
Advantages of the Fixed Abrasive Grain Method
Fixed abrasive grain method assures less environmental impact compared to loose abrasive grain method as lesser waste slurry is produced, due to the using of coolant and abrasive pads.
Applications & Cases
Introducing our product applications and cases for various industries.