[Video] Application examples of light-feed (conveyance) belts used for inclined-feed (conveyance) in distribution centers and factories.
- #Speeding up
- #Noise reduction
- #Downsizing weight reduction
- #Cargo handling equipment
- #Food manufacturing and processing industry
- #Light duty conveyance product
In distribution centers and factories, inclined-feed (conveyance) may be installed to make efficient use of space within a building.
There are also cases where you want to increase the feed (conveyance) speed to improve feed (conveyance) efficiency, but the feed (conveyance) object slips on the feed (conveyance) belt.
The special surface shape of Mr. Climber™ allows for both high grip and low noise.
It also prevents loss of grip due to dust and other dirt and belt wear.
(For more information on Mr. Climber™, please refer to the link at the bottom of this page.)

Enlarged view of the surface profile of Mr. Climber™.
The projecting shape and material reduce the effects of dust and dirt and provide excellent grip durability.
- #Speeding up
- #Noise reduction
- #Downsizing weight reduction
- #Cargo handling equipment
- #Food manufacturing and processing industry
- #Light duty conveyance product